October Goals

October QuoteHappy October! Wow, I can’t believe it’s already fall! I love summer and the heat, but come on I’m ready for fall weather! I want to wear my boots and scarves! Before I get to my October goals, lets see how I did in September:

September Goals

1. Read More: I did okay on this. I did not read as much as I’d like but I was able to read (re-read) one of my favorite self-help books “How to be Sick”. If you missed it, you can read my review here. (Don’t be fooled by the title, it’s a great read for anyone, not just people with an illness!).

2. Have friends over for dinner: I’ve mentioned it before, but I come from the queen of entertaining mom so naturally I love it too! Unfortunately we only had people over for dinner once last month. This month I’m going to try it again!

3. Register for Wedding: We started this, and Erik came! Yay! I told you that he didn’t want to come originally. I don’t know what came over him, but it was his idea to go and start it! We started at Crate and Barrel. We didn’t register for much, but we walked around and he showed me what he liked. We also went to a few others stores too! So, now I’ll go with my mom to finish!

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4. Back to the Barre Challenge: I was doing so well attending classes and then I got sick for a week! I attended 15 classes in 30 days. Considering I was sick and didn’t go for a week, I think I did pretty well!

5. Find a Work-Life Balance: Ya this is a hard one for me. I’m still trying to figure it out. I make it a priority to workout (that’s me time) and try to find time to blog (even though I know I was horrible about it this week!!). This is something I think lots of people struggle with, especially people in the “helping” profession. It’s hard for me to leave at the end of the day and not bring work home with me (whether that’s physically or emotionally). If you have any tips on this one, please share!!

Overall, September was a good month for me! Let’s see what I’m hoping to accomplish in October:


1. Finishing Registering: We already discussed this! 🙂 How many places do you think is appropriate to register for? I was thinking of doing Crate and Barrel and Macys. But, I also really love Pottery Barn or Williams Sonoma. We will see!

2. Start X-Mas shopping: As you know, my mom is the queen of entertaining but she is also the queen of holidays (I think this goes hand in hand), so naturally I love it all too! It’s in my blood (that’s what I tell Erik)! Growing up, my mom was done with all her Christmas shopping by September… yup that’s right… September! I’m talking wrapped and all! So technically I’m behind already! Since we have the wedding coming up, we decided to not spend a lot on Christmas gifts this year.

3. Walk Outside more: I spend a lot time inside. I work inside, workout inside, watch tv at night inside… you get it. Maybe this goal will help me figure out a work-life balance (or so I’m hoping). I’m really going to make an effort to walk outside and I don’t mean making it a workout necessarily.

4. Plan Halloween Party for Groups: I’m not sure if you know this, but I coordinate and run all the social skills groups at my work for kiddos with autism or other social deficits. I try to make holidays special and plan fun activities (games, crafts, and lots of sugary sweets… sorry parents!). You can see what I did last year for Halloween by clicking here. Some of the kiddos were in my groups last year and have already been asking about this year’s celebration… so I have pressure to step up my game! I’ve been a pinning machine lately with my holiday ideas!

5. Enjoy all things Pumpkin!: Okay, so why is it that prior to Celiac disease I could care less about baking and all the fun edible stuff that goes along with holidays?! Of course I get Pinterest AFTER my Celiac diagnosis and see all the amazing goodies I cannot eat! This is not stopping me… I’m modifying so many good things so I can enjoy them too! Stay tuned for lots of pumpkin recipes this month!

There you have my October goals! Now if it will just cool off so I can wear my boots and scarves! 🙂


What are your goals this month??


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