Best Gluten Free App

Best gluten free app

So we already talked about what a pain it is to figure out which products contain gluten and how grocery shopping has officially become an ordeal!! Not anymore! What?! Yeah, that’s right you can now shop without it taking hours and no longer feel stressed! The secret… Pay attention closely…the “GF Overflow” App.


To download it, it’s $2.99.


 But shhh… you can also go to their website and get the same info for free!


You basically type in a product that you’re looking for. In this example I typed “juice”. It will give you a list of all the different types and company names.


You can click on one and it will give you the companies’ statement regarding being gluten free, and their contact information.

I know. I know…this is pretty incredible information! I promise you that this will make your life a million times easier and you can enjoy grocery shopping once again!

You’re welcome! 🙂


  1. Abigail says:

    Have you tried the Find Me GF app? You can scan products & it tells you if it’s gluten free, could contain gluten, and is gluten. It’s awesome & you can search products too.

    • msmodify says:

      I recently found it and love it! I’m hoping they add more products to their database because many things I’ve scanned it says “item unknown”.

  2. Alicen says:

    Hi! I realize I’m late to the game here, but I have a question about these apps. Do you happen to know of apps that not only can tell if something is gluten free, but also soy free or sugar free?

    • msmodify says:

      I always just go to their website ( and search things from there. I’m not seeing the app either, even though on their website they said they have one.

        • msmodify says:

          I just saw that this app/website shutdown and no longer exists! I’m so disappointed since I used to use it all the time! I will do some research and find an alternative app and update this post as soon as I do! Thanks for letting me know!

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