Happy Friday, friends! Today is national wear purple for platelets day in honor of ITP Awareness Month. It took me a while to decide if I was going to post about this, but I decided it’s an important cause that I want to help create awareness for.
Over a year ago I was diagnosed with ITP (immune thrombocytopenia)- a bleeding disorder in which the immune system destroys platelets. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Platelets (thrombocytes) are colorless blood cells that help blood clot. Platelets stop bleeding by clumping and forming plugs in blood vessel injuries.”
When I decided to start my blog, it honestly started as an outlet for me to cope with celiac disease and to write posts about the disease that I wanted my family to know about. Sometimes it’s hard for me to express my feelings in person, so writing was a way for me to do that. Do you know I blogged for a couple years before I started to share it with strangers? When I decided to share it with others, I made a promise to myself that I would be as transparent and honest as I could and my hope was and always is that I can help make life easier (or at least provide support) for those living with celiac disease.
In all honesty, only my closest friends and family know about my ITP and it’s not something I typically talk about. Why? Maybe because a part of me was in a denial, maybe a part of me was hoping it would go away, and maybe because a part of me was really pissed off because I eat better than most people I know, exercise regularly and do all the “right things” to be healthy.

Celiac is hard. My whole life has changed because of it, everything from traveling to social events to even the cosmetics I buy. But, now I’m used to it and have it down, that it doesn’t stop me one bit from living a great life! I’m the type of person that when I put my mind to something I’m 100% in. So, when I found I had to change my diet for celiac… I did and then some. No cheating, no chances for cross-contamination… I just do what I have to in order to be healthy and I’m good with that.
ITP is scary (at least for me right now). No diet change or anything else I can do can increase my platelet count naturally. Every time I get my blood checked I just hope and pray for good numbers. With ITP there is a window where no treatment is necessary, however, you still experience some symptoms. That’s where I currently am, and am grateful that my platelets are high enough where I don’t need medical intervention. What are my symptoms? Mainly fatigue and I bruise easily. For those with ITP that their platelets drop dangerously low there are treatments, however, like all autoimmune diseases there is no cure.

BUT, you know what? Today, I can say that I accept it and I’m ready to face it and anything else that comes my way! Life is tough, but … I’m tough too! I’ve always been a planner, a perfectionist, and your typical Virgo so all of these challenges I’ve been faced with only reminds me that there is no perfect plan in life. Some things have turned out differently than I thought, but it doesn’t mean my life still can’t be wonderful! I’m beyond blessed and just how I conquered celiac, I’m confident that ITP won’t hold me back either.
My hope is to help bring awareness towards ITP but also for anyone else that is struggling and feels like you’re doing everything right but can’t get a break, you’re not alone and I promise you’ll come out stronger than ever!
I have ITP too. Diagnosed when I was 12. I have had major issues early in my life but now I am doing great. Platelets seems to be in the normal range, when they actually get a count.
I was diagnosed with Celiacs when I was 64. Suffered all my life with it. AND I have had a Gastro since I was 7. But no one ever tested for it. However, like you I am doing great with my GF diet changes.
Thank you for posting. I love your info.
I don’t know anyone else with ITP so thank you for sharing your experience, Brenda!