About Me

Who am I?

Good question. I’m Kristina. A Behavior Analyst by day, a cooking lover, Pinterest obsessed, reality TV watching, Pure Barre loving girl by night. Did I mention I have celiac disease? Yeah, I have celiac disease. It took me a while to be able to say those words. It’s been quite a rollercoaster ride over the past few years to say the least. I went from being sick in bed, to being in denial and still feeling sick while just going through the motions. How is it I change people’s behavior for a living, but couldn’t seem to change my own?!

Finally, one day I decided celiac disease was no longer going to have control over me and made a promise to change my diet and my life… while celebrating and embracing all that I’ve been given and start living each day to the fullest. That is how I developed MsModify.

It came from the belief that I don’t have to miss out on any aspect of life…I just need to modify it!

In addition to changing my diet, I’ve had to modify every aspect of my life. Everything from my cosmetics to my vacations are different now. I’ve learned a lot by researching online, but mainly through trial and error.

My hope is I can help make life a little easier and happier by giving you the tools to modify your life!

In February 2016, I married my best friend Erik. Although he doesn’t have celiac, he is impacted by the illness through me. Our house is 100% gluten free and he choses to live a gluten free life in order to support me. I can’t imagine tackling life with anyone else! In 2019 we relocated from Orange County, California and now call Scottsdale, Arizona home.

You absolutely do not have to have celiac disease or be on a gluten free diet to enjoy my blog! I’m going to provide you with recipes that no one will ever know are gluten free! I would also love to share some of my favorite things and life with you!

In addition to my blog, I also started a cookie business out of my house in Scottsdale. MsModify Cookies came about through my desire to offer great tasting cookies that everyone can enjoy, even the gluten eaters in your life! 

Gluten free and dairy free, MsModify Cookies contain premium real ingredients such as coconut sugar and organic cane sugar. 

All of our cookies are made in a dedicated gluten free kitchen so you can be confident that they’re celiac safe! 

Please stay awhile and let’s be friends!


  1. Nick Karalexis says:

    I’m so proud of you – your unselfishness and commitment to helping others speaks volumes about your character!

  2. Lupe Gutierrez says:

    Hi Kristina!! Your blog is going to help so many young girls. My daughter is being tested right now and hopefully she will find out if it’s celiac or not soon. Thank you for starting your blog. Xoxo

    • msmodify says:

      Thank you! I hope your daughter doesn’t have celiac….but if she does it’s not the end of the world! Keep me posted!

  3. Amanda says:

    This is such a cool website. I have already passed it along to another friend/ co-worker who has celiac. Heading to the store to grab your face goodies this week. Congratulations and so proud of this journey your are starting.

    • msmodify says:

      I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but I promise it WILL get easier! I know it’s beyond overwhelming at first, hang in there! Email me if you every need someone to talk to!

  4. Trish says:

    Where are you located? We are in Australia where the guidelines are stricter than in Europe and the US. Need to be aware of this when accepting advice.

  5. Diane Schiesl says:

    Just found you on pinterest! I was just diagnosed with severe Celiac last week. I am on day 5 of gluten free eating and I am married to an Erik with a “k” too! Look forward to looking at your recipes and tips!
    Thank You!

    • msmodify says:

      Welcome to the celiac life! It will be challenging at first, but will get easier over time. Feel free to email me with any questions you have. Yay for Erik’s with a “K”! 🙂

  6. Sarah B says:

    I’m happy to have found your blog! I’m probably celiac (already GF so can’t really test properly, though cinsidering a short term gluten challenge and enfoscooy). A couple of my kids are about to be tested. If positive, they will all be tested.
    I have GF/DF bread in the bread machine, a chicken in the crockpot, and your cinnamon roll bread in the oven – smells divine! Excited to try more of your recipes!

    • msmodify says:

      I’m so happy you found my blog! Welcome Sarah! Have you had genetic testing done for celiac? I was in a similar situation and did genetic testing and I tested positive for both genes.

      Yum I can imagine your kitchen smells delicious! I hope you enjoy my recipes! 🙂

  7. Brenda Green says:

    Just found you on Pinterest! OMG…I haven’t gotten to your website yet. But I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading some of the comments and you’re responses. I was just diagnosed with Celiacs and I am 64. I had been put in a box labeled “Irritatible Bowel Disease”, since age 6! I have suffered terrible all of my life. My mom told me that I quit taking a bottle when I was 3 months old…colic. She gave me water downed juices and water. Of course then came cereals to help me grow. So fast forward 64 years and five Endos later my new young Gastro biopsied my small intestine ( he knew as soon as he saw my flat non-existent villi that I had Celiacs). Then I had the TTG antibody blood work…0-7 is normal. My test came back at 228!! No wonder I have such terrible problems. I also have really bad other autoimmune problems. But thank you Kristina for your blog! You are so sweet to help us deal with this disease. Bg

    • msmodify says:

      Thanks so much for your kind words Brenda! I’m so happy you found me and we can share this journey together! Wow! I can’t believe you went that long undiagnosed! I’m glad to hear you now have the correct diagnosis and answers to your health problems and can be on the road to recovery! I know celiac can be overwhelming at first, so if you ever need tips or support please don’t hesitate to email me!!

  8. Lindsay says:

    Really pleased to have found your website. I’m married to a Greek, and I have celiac, and I am looking forward to trying your melomakarona and vasilopita this holiday season. He is a wonderfully supportive partner and makes me delicious tiropita using rice paper! Best wishes to you.

  9. Maci king says:

    Hi in maci and I’m gf also known as celiac disease and I also have dermatitis on my hands I’m so glad I was so glad to find this is you want to know my story please reply I’m 11 years old

  10. Jon says:

    I have celiacs disease and I have tried to get on a gluten free diet bust still seems like no matter what I eat I still feel sick any suggestions on a medical dr that could point me in the right direction on what to eat and what not to

    • msmodify says:

      Be sure you’re not getting cross-contaminated by other products! Also, in addition to a GI doctor, I highly recommend functional/integrative doctors because they sometimes can find other foods that cross-react with gluten and tend to look at root causes of symptoms.

  11. Jill says:

    My daughter in-law has celiac disease and is 5 months pregnant. We are all wanting to support her as best we can. I have been frustrated as I do many family meals for the whole family and am just learning about gluten free foods, spices etc. I ruined one whole meal that was so sure was all gluten free until I read (after) the ingredients on the “Better Than Bouillon” that I used. I wanted to cry. One small single ingredient in it was NOT gluten free. Are there Chat groups or good books that you can suggest for helping us? Also, other than food, I am worried about her pregnancy and the baby as I have been told that she is a high risk pregnancy because of the Celiac Disease. Do you know of any websites or books that could help me understand all that? I never express my fears or concerns with her as not to get her upset or worried, but being a Mother and soon to be Grandmother, that’s “what I do” ! Tee hee. Any advice or help you could give me would be SUPER helpful. If you have time to email me to my email address I would really appreciate it. Thank you !

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