How is this weekend already February!? Wow! Even though my Patriots aren’t in the Super Bowl, we are pretty excited around here for the big day because Erik is a BIG 49ers fan! He takes his sports very serious and already told me… no going to Super Bowl parties… no one can come over… because he needs to focus (as if he’s in the game! HA).
My parents actually will be in town this weekend, so they will be watching the game with us (quietly!) So, if you’re looking for us on Sunday, we will be sitting on our couch (Erik may be pacing around the room!) cheering on Jimmy G (since he’s a former Patriot!) and the 9ers!
Super Bowl: Game Day Food

If you need some ideas on what to cook for Sunday, I’ve got you covered! Here are some easy to make and eat recipes!
Avoiding Gluten Cross-Contamination at Parties

If you are going to a Super Bowl party on Sunday, be sure you read my tips here! Nothing worse than accidentally getting sick at a party because of cross-contamination.
Gluten Free Alcohol List

Did you see that I updated my Gluten Free Alcohol List in December? Some things DID change since my previous list, so before you grab for your favorite drink this Super Bowl Sunday, be sure you check the list first!
Gluten Free vs. Gluten Removed Beer

If you’re a beer drinker… do you know the difference between gluten free beer and gluten removed beer? I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a beer drinker and I had no clue this was even a thing or an issue. If you are a beer drinker and don’t know the difference, you will find this post helpful!
That’s all I have for you today! Since today is Friday, that means I’ll be in the kitchen ALL DAY LONG baking and getting ready for the farmers market tomorrow. If you in the Phoenix area, I hope you’ll stop by the Gilbert Farmers Market to get cookies and to say hi! I LOVE meeting and chatting with you all!
Who will you be cheering on this weekend… the Chiefs or the 49ers??? Will you be attending a party/having a party or watching it alone so you can “focus”?? HA
Have a wonderful weekend!! xo