Friday Favorites: Bedroom Organization!


Happy Friday! This week has been hectic for me, I admit it… I’m still on wedding/vacation cloud 9! This week has been hard for me to jump back into the craziness of reality. On top of all the usual stuff that comes after a vacation… unpacking, laundry, checking emails, etc …. I moved!

Erik and I chose to not live together full time before we were married. I had some stuff at his apartment and would stay a few days at a time, but was not there full time. We both agree that was the best decision we ever made! Sometimes it didn’t seem practical, but now it’s so exciting and feels different that we are married.

With that being said, his apartment is one-bedroom and only 800 square feet! Due to the location, and some features of the apartment (private garage and in-unit full size washer and dryer) we decided to start off there. I was panicked how I was going to get ALL my stuff to fit. This past week was a little stressful trying to figure that out, but for the most part it all fits! Oh… did I mention we haven’t brought any wedding gifts over yet?! Yeah, that’s for another weekend of organizing.

Today for my “Friday Favorites” I thought I would share some of my favorite “Bedroom Organization Tips” that I found to be helpful!

Under Bed Storage Boxes:

These are seriously a life saver. I currently have three under the bed, with things I don’t need to get to on a daily basis (sweaters, pj’s and bathing suits).  I looked everywhere for the perfect size boxes and found these at the Container Store to be the shortest I could find.

Clear Shoe Boxes:


 I admit it, I have way too many shoes and knew there was no way they’d all fit in the closet. My mom recommended clear shoe boxes that way I can put multiple pairs in each one and I can see what’s inside them without opening every box! So far, I love them! The best part, they’re only $0.94 from Target!

Thin Non-Slip Hangers:


When I first brought my clothes over I had them on plastic hangers and I could not even fit half of them in the closet! I bought these thin velvet hangers and fit everything inside! I love these and highly recommend them! On top of being able to fit more, your shirts won’t slip off since they’re velvet.

Drawer Boxes:


 I found these boxes at Ikea that we put into our top drawer of our night stands/dressers. I love how they help us keep everything organized so they don’t turn into a junk drawer.

Necklace Hanger:

I found this rack and knew it would be the perfect hanger for my necklaces. I like how it’s a double row so I can separate them so they don’t get tangled!

There you have it, some of my favorite bedroom organizational items! If you have any organizational tips or secrets, please share!!

Today I’m linking here, here and here!


  1. Liz says:

    I love these organization tips. I live in a 4 bedroom house which theoretically should give me plenty of space, but it was built in the 1920s when people frankly lived differently. Our bedroom closets are TINY! I am definitely foing to try those hangers, those could make a big difference for me 🙂

    Liz at

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