Weekend Recap

Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. Yay for it being a short week!

Saturday my mom and I headed up to Pasadena to my cousin’s bridal shower. Tis the seasons for weddings!

Her shower was at a really cute little tea house. Look how cute our place settings are!

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All the yummy finger tea food. I couldn’t eat any of them, but my cousins told me they were delicious!


Our family with the beautiful bride-to-be!


I woke up not feeling so great Sunday. I hate how antibiotics help with one thing, only to cause another! I literally did nothing all day. I woke up from a nap to see these beautiful flowers from Erik!

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Monday morning Erik surprised me and made breakfast. #heisakeeper

Monday we went to my parents house for a bbq and to watch the basketball game. We love them!

This is a classic George pic…always working!

Love this hubby of mine! He’s been so sweet while I’ve been sick.

During the game I was able to get some quality couch time with my Bella girl!

After a relaxing weekend I’m now ready for the week! I hope you are too! 🙂


  1. Rebecca Jo says:

    That’s why I hate medicine – it always seems to cause something else 🙁
    Boo on going to a shower & not being able to enjoy the snacks. That’s gotta be tough sometimes.

    • msmodify says:

      It is tough going to places and not being able to eat. I always pack food with me! It’s a joke that I have a baby bag, with no baby.. just my food!

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