June Goals


Well hello there June! It feels like it was just May 1st! I guess it’s true… time flies when you’re having fun!

Before I get into my June goals, lets see how I did in May:


1. Find healthy snacks: Last month I was searching Pinterest for healthy snack ideas and found so many great ones! You can see all my favorites here! I also decided to start a new group board called “Healthy Living Tips”, if you want to join let me know!

2. BBQ more often: Oddly in Southern California, we had a cool May so we did not spend as much time outside BBQing as I would have liked. I’m going to make this happen in June!

3. Go for walks: I didn’t do this as often as I wanted to either. Things have been busy for us and lately by the time I cook, we eat and clean…we are tired and ready to relax. I’m going to make an effort to walk more during the summer months since it will be nice and warm at night.

4. No social media after dinner: I can’t say I completely did this, but I do think I’ve made a real effort of being aware of this and tried to not be on my phone as much at night. Erik and I always remind each other to “unplug” while we hang out at night.

5. No soda…ever!: Well… ya that didn’t happen. I never drink soda at home… it’s just when I go out. Sometimes I don’t want water and I don’t want alcohol, so I’d rather have a diet coke. What’s worse soda or alcohol??

You guys… looking back at these goals, I really think I kind of failed last month! Ha. Wow I’m disappointed in myself!

Okay June…we can do this!

June Goals

1. Figure out how to use my camera: I’m so excited about this! Erik got me a Sony camera and I’m really excited to start using it! I’ve played around with it a little, but it seems really complicated so I want to make sure I learn how to use it to it’s full potential.

2. Spend more time outside: Since I failed on this one last month, I’m going to try it again but not be so specific. I want to eat dinner outside, walk more, go swimming, just sit outside for a cup of coffee!

3. Have more “girl time” with friends: This is so important and I need to make it happen. It seems like we all get busy with life and the next thing you know our friendships consists on texting and social media…which is not okay!

4. Organize my shoes: So you know how I told you I went to that store “Last Chance” in Arizona… did I tell you I came home with 8 pairs of shoes/boots?! Ha. Ya, time to organize my closet!

5. No soda…again!: I think this needs little explanation!

There they are, my goals for the month!

What are your goals this month?? Lets help motivate each other!


  1. Cara says:

    I’ve definitely been trying to limit my social media use while at home too. Being more connected with the family is so important and my husband and I try to put the phones away as it is just too tempting.

  2. Rebecca Jo says:

    OHHH – have fun with your camera 🙂
    & good luck with that soda thing. I used to be the biggest soda addict. Thank goodness for sparkling seltzer water

  3. Danielle says:

    I need more girl time as well. I have a harder time putting the phone down after my girls go to sleep and that is the time I should be spending with my husband reconnecting. These are great goals.

  4. Kristy @ Southern In Law says:

    Your goals for this month sound awesome – especially number three!

    Two of my girlfriends just had bubs and another has one on the way in a week or two so girl time hasn’t really been happening, however, I’m trying to focus more on one on one girl time as I know they need some extra TLC!

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